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The Fiduciary Standard in Investment Management—Why Is It So Important?

Financial advisors who work with investment committees of foundations, endowments, and other philanthropic entities find the fiduciary standard an important component of their work. But many are actually not fiduciaries. In fact, the Dodd–Frank legislation of 2010 required the SEC to study the fiduciary standard, because there is a good deal of confusion among investors... Read More

If Only We Are Intentional

Philanthropy is changing for a host of reasons, but perhaps most of all because funders are demanding more from it. The expectation that funders will be able to achieve impact, and see that impact, changes everything. No longer are donors satisfied with the mere act of writing checks. They want to see results. Add to... Read More

Plan for Transitions Before It’s Too Late

World-class athletes do not casually approach a championship match, but rather spend years in training. Likewise, nonprofit organizations and the third-party advisors with whom they partner are now taking the same disciplined, planned approach to navigating the future—including periods of transition. Transitions can be difficult, overwhelming, and can affect everyone from staff, board, and committee... Read More

Readying Your Philanthropy for an Influx of Assets

Ramping up—or significantly increasing charitable giving or activities—can be an empowering transition point in your philanthropy. It can also leave you bewildered by the complexities that come with your new normal. What does it mean to ramp up in response to an influx of assets—perhaps the most common reason funders increase their charitable giving and/or... Read More