Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Grantmaking”  

Ways to Let the Public Know You Give Grants

Here are ideas for foundations—new or well-established—looking to expand program areas or grantseeker pools: Distribute your mission and guidelines on your website or at local nonprofit events. Talk with other foundations that have similar program interests. They sometimes can refer grantees to you. Ask if your regional association of grantmakers publishes a directory of funders.... Read More

Awarding Multiyear Grants

Exponent Philanthropy members tell us multiyear grants offer important benefits: Less grantee time and labor to apply and report on grants Less funder time and labor to review applications and reports Greater security for grantees that allows them to look ahead to longer-term goals and plan accordingly A powerful seal of approval that helps grantees... Read More

PRIs: One Foundation Invests in Community Services

Through funds received from individual contributors, foundations, and other sponsors, the Washington Square Community Health Foundation made a $180,000 loan at a below-market rate of interest to be repaid in full by the Lake County Council Against Sexual Assault (LaCASA). Howard Nochumson, the foundation’s executive director, also worked closely with LaCASA’s executive director and board,... Read More

What Makes an Effective Nonprofit?

As a donor, you not only have the power to identify effective nonprofits but to build and strengthen the ones most aligned with your goals. Excellent nonprofits are often made, not found. Identifying the impact you want to make will help you narrow the field of potential grantees to those that fit your values, goals,... Read More

PRIs: Smart Grants for Down Markets

Program related investments (PRIs) are a special type of grant that gained popularity during the Great Recession to preserve endowment assets while pursuing a charitable mission. PRIs are program tools like grants and should not be confused with other forms of socially responsible investing in which producing financial return is a priority. How does a... Read More

Webinar Recording
Funders are changing their approaches in response to COVID-19. What’s going to stick?

In April, Exponent Philanthropy and PEAK Grantmaking both surveyed their members to learn how they’ve adjusted their funding approaches in response to COVID-19. Join Melissa Sines, Programs and Knowledge Director at PEAK Grantmaking, and Brendan McCormick, Manager, Research and Education at Exponent Philanthropy, for a discussion on their different survey results.  Read More