Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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How to Read Potential Grantees’ Financial Statements

The primary purpose of financial statements is to communicate the financial health of the grantee. A non-accountant should be able to understand a well- written statement. The balance sheet, a statement of position, views a grantee on a specific date. The income statement, a statement of activity, looks at a year’s operating activity. The statement... Read More

Red Flags in Nonprofit Financials

You can find red flags in a nonprofit’s Form 990 or in its financial statements, as well as in conversation—and many do not require technical knowledge. ShoreBank, a community development bank serving Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit, provides the following list of red flags. Red flags in financial statements Decrease in annual revenue Decrease in net... Read More

Addressing Key Financial Challenges Facing Nonprofits: Five Strategies for Grantmakers

In its report On the Money, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations describes several financial challenges faced by nonprofits: Restrictions on funding—Despite the importance of infrastructure to nonprofits’ success, grantmakers overwhelmingly prefer to support the direct delivery of programs and services. The result is an underinvestment in the infrastructure nonprofits need to sustain and grow, such as... Read More

Scanning the Landscape

How do small foundations scan? For starters, they venture into the community, listen to grantees, talk with community leaders and residents, review publications, and commission research and reports. Foundations have the privilege and opportunity to talk with almost anyone in a community. “We try to keep a pulse on the community and learn of things... Read More

Assessing Start-Up Organizations

A start-up is, simply put, an organization that is relatively new. Typical characteristics of a start-up include a strong commitment to the organization’s mission and to delivering services, a vision driven by the organization’s founder, an informal management infrastructure, a small and homogenous board with many members often performing day-to-day tasks for the organization, and... Read More

Small, Steady Dollars Make a Difference

Created by members of the Andersen family—founders and owners of the Bayport, MN-based Andersen Corporation—the Andersen Foundation’s primary geographic area of focus is the St. Croix Valley, a mix of rural, suburban, and urban communities that spans the Minnesota–Wisconsin border just east of the Twin Cities. We primarily support nonprofits in Washington County in Minnesota... Read More