Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Family Philanthropy”  

Social Impact Culture: Three Strategies to Help Your Family Foundation Connect With the Next Generation

How does today’s social impact culture affect the way you engage your children and grandchildren in your family’s philanthropy? That’s a question many trustees of America’s 42,000 family foundations are asking themselves as they look more closely at strategies to fulfill community passions, conduct responsible grantmaking, and inspire a philanthropic legacy for the next generation.... Read More

Why Invest in Volunteer Engagement?

Foundations are always looking for leverage. Where and how can we invest our limited assets to get the best returns? Will our grantees survive these times of shrinking resources and growing needs? As investors in the nonprofit sector who look for innovative ways to maximize our efforts, we must challenge ourselves to better support and... Read More

Shaping a Foundation’s Future While Honoring Its Past

We’ve had the great pleasure of serving as the grantmaking and foundation management partner for Kathleen deLaski and the deLaski Family Foundation for the past three years. The foundation brought us on to help it adapt its mission, vision, and goals in a way that makes the most of the current board’s knowledge, networks, and... Read More

Power Sharing for Systems Change

The Sauer Family Foundation invests in strengthening the well-being of children so they thrive in their families and communities in Minnesota. After the events at George Floyd Square unfolded not far from our office and home, we decided there was no better time to bring a larger influx of our resources to bear for children... Read More

Bringing the Next Generation on Board—at Its Own Pace

It’s a lesson teachers and parents know well: No two people learn in exactly the same way or at exactly the same pace. And it’s a lesson worth bearing in mind for those seeking to create pathways for family members to engage in a shared philanthropic legacy. Arabella Advisors has worked with families for over... Read More

Involving Young Children and Preteens in Philanthropy

Today many parents include their children in philanthropic activities as a way to pass on their personal values, provide shared experiences, establish traditions, and enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling family venture together. Sometimes parents also have the goal of preparing their children to manage the family’s philanthropy when they are adults. Involving children in philanthropy... Read More