Custom Salary and Benefits Survey - Exponent Philanthropy

Custom Salary and Benefits Survey

How do your foundation’s salary and benefits compare to other funders? Consider our Custom Salary and Benefits Survey to find out.

Salary and Benefits Surveys Customized for You

Project scope: Exponent Philanthropy creates and collects custom survey elements across a region or another variable to meet your specific needs. We analyze the data (which we can also compare to other appropriate salary and benefits benchmarking reports you provide) to develop a detailed report.

Member cost:
Non-members, PSOs, nonprofits, and others will be given a pricing estimate based on the project scope.

Project timeline:
2-3 months

Data to Benchmark Your Foundation Against Peers

Your foundation is responsible for identifying and recruiting peer funders (at least 10 – 15) to participate in the survey from your region or another comparison group. Typically, peer foundations have comparable asset sizes. For example, if your foundation’s assets are $40 million, you’ll want to recruit foundations with assets between $25 million and $100 million.

While not required, we recommend sharing the final salary and benefits report with participating funders. However, we ask that you not publish the results online. The salary and benefits information we collect is anonymous.

If you are interested in a Custom Salary and Benefits Survey, reach out to Brendan McCormick at to schedule a time chat. 

Disclaimer: During this project, Exponent Philanthropy will collect, analyze, and share data on the salaries and benefits of participating foundations. We will not make recommendations on what salaries or benefits are appropriate for a foundation to offer.