Q&A Service - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Service

We are here to help you, whether you’re just getting started, navigating change, interested in trends, or desiring greater impact.

How it works

  1. Submit your question to Exponent Philanthropy through our member Q&A service by calling 202-580-6560 or emailing info@exponentphilanthropy.org.
  2. Staff experts will field all questions and will reach out to you within 24 hours.
  3. Our experts provide you with resources and in-depth knowledge based on our experience and expertise. If you have a question concerning legal affairs that is beyond the scope of our resources, SignaturePLUS members will be directed to our legal partner.

A few recent questions include:

Do you have a list of all the tasks involved in running a foundation?

This list of annual to-dos for foundation boards is a great starting point. It includes actions that are legally required as well as those we recommend for Exponent Philanthropy members. The blog post Ten Ways to Move Your Philanthropy From Transactional to Transformational is another great read when thinking about how to spend the time,… Read More

Annual reports—does our foundation need one?

Some states require foundations to submit an “annual report” along with their Form 990-PF so that regulators can ensure foundations are fulfilling their charitable purpose. This is typically a template that must be completed, as determined by the state, and should not be confused with the voluntary annual reports created by many foundations. Well-written, voluntary… Read More

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