Suki O’Kane of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund said:
Our foundation is in the middle of a participatory grantmaking pilot for our education grants: staff + 10 public school youth + 10 adults from the classroom, school leadership, and education-serving CBOs.
Candid just came out with an insightful blog post: Participatory grantmaking in a pandemic: practical considerations in design.
And GrantCraft has a whole section on Participatory Grantmaking.
Kristi Petrie of the AJL Charitable Foundation offered:
This year, our private foundation shifted to a participatory grantmaking process. We have a grantmaking committee of 13 (one foundation staff representative, one foundation BOD representative, and 11 folks from the community who represent the various stakeholder groups affected by our grantmaking.)
She shared their process to shift to participatory grantmaking, information on their grantmaking and committee for 2020, and added that their grantmaking process is being facilitated by a local equity expert to help address issues or dynamics around power and privilege that may emerge.
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