What conference sessions center around legal compliance? - Exponent Philanthropy

What conference sessions center around legal compliance?

The following conference sessions center around legal compliance: 

Wednesday, October 18th

SESSION: Foundations 101: Legal Basics
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Hear an overview of all private foundations rules, from filing the Form 990-PF to public disclosure rules and the self-dealing rules. This survey of the rules will empower you to know when to raise questions with a legal professional.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify simple ways to follow the public disclosure rules
  • Restate the definition of disqualified persons and the three steps to identify potential self-dealing

This session is hosted by Adler & Colvin.

SESSION: Streamlined Operations and Compliance for Lean Foundations

10:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Lean foundations are challenged to continually remain compliant with legal requirements while maintaining the operations of a strong, successful organization. Learn how to examine critical areas of your operations and distinguish between optional and required operations activities. Come away with actionable resources to further streamline your own foundation operations while growing your network.

Learning Objectives:

  • Utilize the “Legal and Operational Checklist” resource from Council of Michigan Foundations
  • Recognize and get assistance with frequently asked questions about common foundation operations and legal compliance issues
  • Identify thematic concerns (i.e., legal, board governance, finance, human resources) addressed by staff and boards in organizations with small or no staff

Thursday, October 19th

SESSION: Keep Legally Compliant while Embracing Innovation in Grantmaking
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
As foundations evolve their practices to better meet the needs of the communities they serve, they must also maintain the legal requirements of grantmaking. This session will explore the legal considerations of increasingly common practices, such as reducing paperwork burdens on grantees, engaging in public-private partnerships, and mission investing. Examine real-life case studies and leave with the knowledge you need to responsibly implement innovative philanthropic strategies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify practical strategies to meet minimum legal requirements for grantmaking and ways to plan for the unexpected
  • Gain clarity on the criteria and factors that determine grantee and project charitable status
  • Explore legal considerations for mission-aligned investing of foundation assets

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