Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Investments”  

Why Foundations Should Reconsider Warren Buffett’s Advice

It is a risky proposition to take issue with any advice offered by Warren Buffett. Recently Marc Gunther, a notable philanthropy and sustainability reporter, wrote an article entitled Warren Buffett Has Some Excellent Advice For Foundations That They Probably Won’t Take. In the article, Mr. Gunther quotes part of the renowned investor’s annual letter: “When... Read More

Social Justice Investing: Aligning Portfolios With a Social Justice Mission

Social justice refers to everyone in society having equal access to the social determinants of health including economic stability; education access and quality; health care access and quality; neighborhood and built environment; and social and community content. For investors, a widening income inequality gap can change risk and return expectations across investment opportunities and may... Read More

Meet the World’s Largest Impact Investing Network

Investors’ Circle (IC), an Exponent Philanthropy Professional Partner, is the world’s largest and most active impact investing network and has invested over $200 million into more than 330 enterprises dedicated to improving the environment, education, health, and community. The organization was founded in 1992 by a group of successful social entrepreneurs who shared a desire... Read More

How To Create an Investment Policy Statement

An investment policy statement (IPS) is the starting point and bedrock of a foundation’s investment strategy. It constitutes a road map for how the foundation plans to achieve and support its stated mission and giving goals through its investment strategy. A foundation’s IPS is a guiding force for the organization, so in the beginning, expect... Read More

Ready to Be an Impact Investor? Move Slowly, Stay Curious

This post is an excerpt from the complimentary resource Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-Staffed Foundations, created by Exponent Philanthropy and partners Mission Investors Exchange and Arabella Advisors. Want to align your investments with your mission? Download your copy >> By Lucy Cantwell, New Belgium Family Foundation Many people are beginning to intuitively grasp the promise of impact investing but... Read More

We Cannot Stop Moving Forward

A message from Henry Berman, CEO of Exponent Philanthropy One week ago today, we witnessed an assault on our nation’s Capitol. One week from today, that same Capitol will host the inauguration of our new president. Both events will be defining chapters in tomorrow’s history books. But tomorrow is not today. We cannot stand idly... Read More