Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Boards and Governance”  

Conflict of Interest Policy

A conflict of interest can occur any time a board member or staff’s outside involvements (e.g., business interests, family relationships, political affiliations, other charitable activities) intersect with those of the foundation. The benefit, or potential benefit by board or staff, can lead to biased decisions and unethical behavior, or the appearance of such. In instances... Read More

Discretionary Grants Policy

Discretionary grantmaking is the practice of allowing board members and, in some cases, committee members, family members, or staff to direct a portion of grantmaking dollars to organizations of their choice. Although the board is legally responsible for all discretionary grants, the grants generally are approved without extensive review or discussion. They truly are made... Read More

Expectations of Board Members

Foundation board members are expected to: Set and adjust the direction for the foundation: its mission and goals. Establish principles, policies, and procedures that govern the foundation’s operation and advance its mission. Oversee the foundation to ensure that it operates effectively and efficiently in support of the mission, and that it complies with legal rules.... Read More

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest: A Funder Story

Three years ago, Ann Murray and I were having lunch and discussing our favorite subjects: family, friends, and community. Ann and I are married to first cousins who are lawyers and partners in a family law firm in collaboration with brothers, cousins, sons, and a daughter—nine Murrays total. Collectively, we have 30 children and 17... Read More

The Perpetuity Debate

For more than a century, philanthropists have debated whether a foundation should exist in perpetuity. Attitudes on this issue likewise vary among Exponent Philanthropy members. The following aims to provide a balanced summary of both arguments. Continue in perpetuity Donor intent—Many foundations were created to exist in perpetuity; spending now would go against the donor’s... Read More

Five Strategies for Keeping Trustees on the High Road

Foundation trustees have many responsibilities, but fulfilling their legal duties probably tops the list. As such, it’s important that you know the rules and where trustees trip up most. Beyond the law, there are many things foundations can do, such as having a clear mission statement and healthy decision-making process, to help trustees stay out... Read More