Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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We Achieve Our Greatest Impact Through Nonprofit Leadership Training

“Whatever may be said about human beings, they are, as a whole, a family.” Our co-founder, Helene Foellinger, stated this publicly in 1954 and cast the vision for the foundation she and her mother would create four years later. They believed that, as individuals and a community, we have a duty to uplift each other... Read More

Increase Foundation Cash Flow, Conservatively

Kelly is a foundation trustee who, during a recent review of the foundation’s investment portfolio, learned that income generated by the portfolio was not enough to fund the foundation’s charitable activities—the required 5% annual distribution. Although the portfolio’s returns were good, cash flow was an issue. Kelly wondered about a conservative way to generate cash... Read More

Much More Than Money – The Impact of Small Rural Foundations

When most people think of foundations, they think of deep pockets. That’s understandable, since the popular public perception of philanthropy has been shaped by the creation of multimillion-dollar foundations by titans of old, and enforced by the glamour of new foundations launched to much fanfare by today’s billionaires. In rural communities, the creation of big-dollar... Read More

Disaggregated Data Collection and Use by Lean Foundations

Foundations play a critical role in advancing equity and addressing disparities in our society. One key practice that foundations are increasingly adopting is the collection and use of disaggregated data. Disaggregated data refers to the separation of compiled information into smaller units based on various characteristics such as age, sex, geographic area, education, ethnicity, or... Read More

Free to Fee: Help Your Nonprofit Partners Generate Earned Income

Imagine the benefit to society—and to funders—if nonprofits generated income, operating with the efficient, effective practices that are necessary to do so? Stronger operating models. More money to drive mission. More people served. More philanthropic dollars available in the community. This has been our experience after working with nonprofit organizations on plans to generate mission-related... Read More