Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Boards and Governance”  

Leadership Succession Planning: What’s Success Have to Do With It?

A leadership succession plan expresses an organization’s commitment to continuity and stability. It is a written plan identifying the values and process by which leadership will be sought and assumed when a planned or unplanned departure by key board members or staff occurs. Who is prepared to assume responsibility in the absence of those responsible?... Read More

Board Assessment: Three Common Methods

The most effective boards engage in a continual process of self-assessment, that is, an evaluation of their performance. The assessment focuses on how you function as a board, not how you operate as a foundation. For some, this may be familiar thinking; for others, a board assessment provides a framework to think about how the... Read More

Turning Your Next Board Retreat Into a Board Advance

A well-run board retreat energizes people and propels your foundation forward. Unfortunately, many board members approach retreats with about as much enthusiasm as a trip to the dentist. This dread often is justified: Lack of preparation, hidden agendas, or unproductive communication can make a retreat seem like a big step backward for the foundation. The... Read More

Officers and Leadership

The full board generally is responsible for shared leadership of the foundation. The board ensures clarity of purpose and goals, and assesses and implements the best approach to get the work done. Officers, in particular, are responsible for broad oversight and general leadership. The foundation may choose to have any officer positions that serve it... Read More

What’s Role Have to Do With It?

Role for our purposes is not your position as president or committee chair; rather, it is how you choose to behave to match the needs of a situation. Everyone holds multiple roles, adopting them almost without thinking. For example, parents play an impressive list of roles in situations with their children: confidante, disciplinarian, advocate, chauffeur.... Read More

Board Retreats

A board retreat can be an excellent way to spend time on an issue too significant or time intensive to be handled properly within a normal meeting agenda. Many foundations hold board retreats on occasion (ranging from every year to every few years) to ensure that the board addresses important topics, such as the foundation’s... Read More