Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Collaborating for Data Sharing: The Story of One Funders Group

When funders get together to connect, talk and build relationships with one another, big things can happen. Consider, for example, this analysis of over $14 million awarded to nonprofits in Frederick County, Maryland, along with a growing understanding of how local giving relates to community needs. The Origins of Our Funders Group About five years... Read More

Is There an Ideal Career Path To Working at a Small Foundation?

There is no one path to having a career in leanly staffed foundations, as they operate in almost every locale in the nation. Still, there are qualities, skills and experiences that prepare people to effectively manage small foundation operations, engage boards, and leverage resources for impact. Patterns in Hiring First, let’s look at some career... Read More

Funding Local Arts

The Presser Foundation is the only foundation dedicated solely to funding music organizations in the Greater Philadelphia region. Its holistic approach to grantmaking also makes it unique among funders. The foundation gives to music organizations through special projects, general operating support, and capital support grants. At the same time, it supports music students through undergraduate... Read More

A Rusty Metal Faucet in Close-up Photography

I Used To Be on the Other Side: Reducing the Power Dynamic in Philanthropy

For the past 30 years, I have had the privilege of working in leadership positions at nonprofit organizations from local through international regions. I also have worked as a consultant for nonprofits doing strategic planning, staff and board development, and fundraising. I know firsthand what it’s like to run programs, engage in advocacy, and have... Read More

Collective Giving and Foundations: Learning From and With One Another

As a co-founder of Impact100 Philadelphia with my colleague Beth Dahle, I have worked in collective giving for the past 14 years. That means: Thinking about member recruitment, engagement and management This year, we have 454 women members who joined to have their individual donations pooled into our larger collective grants to nonprofits in the... Read More

Why Your Net Grant Matters

What is a net grant and why does it matter? Well, time is money and grantees incur costs while applying for grants. For instance, think about how long it could take a nonprofit to customize their financial documents to your specifications, and language to your unique questions and formatting. According to Project Streamline, nonprofits can... Read More