Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Leadership”  

Equipping Lean Funders: Key Takeaways From the 2024 Pacific Northwest Regional Events

Exponent Philanthropy members are making a significant impact, serving diverse communities locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. Recently, I had an exciting few days meeting with over 30 members, partners, and supporters in the states of Oregon and Washington. I began my journey in Portland where participants expressed excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to connect... Read More

Convening to Build Capacity

When it comes to learning about important issues and moving the needle in the right direction, convening is a low-cost and high-impact leadership tool you can’t overlook. The Exponent Philanthropy member John Gogian Family Foundation and executive director Lindsey Stammerjohn began convening grantees in 2010 as part of a capacity building initiative. They recognized common struggles that many grantee... Read More

Take a Fresh Look at Feedback

As you engage in your philanthropy—working with grantees, applicants, board members, and, in many foundations, staff—you’re giving and receiving feedback all the time about things that concern you and things you love, whether you mean to or not. Feedback comes through via unconscious facial expressions, comments during meetings, or your enthusiasm for the work. As... Read More

None of Us Has Any Wiggle Room on This

Throughout the year, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication sparked many positive notes in return, and I’m pleased to share it here with our broader community. I’ve... Read More

Nonprofit Collaboration Is Essential Now—How Funders Can Play a Role

These unprecedented times require new ways of working together. Nonprofits’ services are needed more than ever. But there are fewer resources to support them. Organizations have already lost significant revenue streams from cancelled fundraisers and lost earned income. The number of households that give was decreasing before the pandemic hit, says the 2019 Giving USA... Read More

Time-Limited Philanthropy: Embracing Mortality Can Drive Urgency and Excellence

In Give Smart, Thomas J. Tierney and Joel L. Fleishman wrote that private foundation excellence is self-imposed. “Of all the characteristics that distinguish philanthropists, the single most consequential may be the fact that they are essentially accountable to no one but themselves,” they said. Governments must win the favor of voters. Companies must earn customer... Read More