Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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How One Family Foundation Honors Its Living Founder

The Darr Family Foundation is somewhat unique to the field of family philanthropy. The founder, William (Bill) H. Darr, is still living, but not a board member. Similarly, the executive director is non-family. Honoring a living founder Bill Darr grew up on a small farm in Ellington, Missouri. He pioneered a food dehydration technique for... Read More

When Advocacy Looks More Like Partnership: Inside the Work of a Successful Funders Coalition

When we strip away the messaging and maneuvering in politics, it’s clear that governments and foundations across the country often seek common goals. Among these are: Strengthening education and vocational training Increasing access to childcare and healthcare Creating jobs and new businesses Safeguarding the environment Unfortunately, government and foundations tend to operate in silos. They... Read More

How Lean Funders Can Support Refugees and Displaced People

Several years ago, I was honored to give the opening plenary, From Biases to Strengths, for Exponent Philanthropy’s 2018 National Conference. I stood before you and said, “When we raise our collective voices and make courageous use of resources—that is when we stop the hate. That is when we advance our communities. And that is,... Read More

Key Insights on Diversity and Racial Equity in Leanly Staffed Foundations

Exponent Philanthropy is proud to launch, Mind the Gap: Exploring the Role of Diversity and Racial Equity in Leanly Staffed Foundations – 2021 Edition. This publication shares our research on leanly staffed foundation demographics, and how lean funders see racial equity relate to their work. The intentional inclusion of diverse perspectives leads to better decision... Read More

Addressing Challenges on the Journey to Equity, Inclusion and Justice

This post originally appeared on the Foundant Technologies blog. Last fall we asked our clients to share the work they’re doing in the areas of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and, no surprise, they went above and beyond. We are truly inspired by their responses and our follow up conversations, and look forward to sharing these... Read More

How Lean Funders Incorporate Racial Equity Into Their Work

Exponent Philanthropy recently launched, Mind the Gap: Exploring the Role of Diversity and Racial Equity in Leanly Staffed Foundations. To develop this publication, we talked with members about how their foundations incorporate racial equity into their work. We learned a lot from these one-on-one conversations. Moreover, hearing members talk to one another about their racial... Read More