Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Administration”  

Paying Proper Attention to Your Professional Staff

Professional staff have the undeniable potential to further your philanthropy’s impact. Whether you’re currently staffed, anticipating a new hire, or simply weighing your options, here are tips to help your paid professionals flourish. Before a hire: Put your affairs—and your mindset—in order It goes without saying that bring staff on board requires time behind the scenes to... Read More

Lean Funders Reflect on COVID-19 and 2020

2020 was an unexpectedly challenging year. The pandemic changed the nature of work, and how we interact with our boards, staff and the nonprofits in our communities. We asked members of the Exponent Philanthropy community to reflect on COVID-19, how it affected their work in 2020, and what they foresee for 2021. Lean funders stepped... Read More

Simplifying Grant Applications and Reporting for Nonprofits

When foundations require detailed and specialized grant applications and reporting, it creates a lot of extra work for nonprofits. If a nonprofit secures funding from 20 to 30 foundations, it must manage applications to 40, 50, or 60 different foundations, each with unique requirements. Additionally, it must prepare grant reports for 20 to 30 foundations,... Read More

Is Your Story Newsworthy? Six Elements to Help You Spot One, or Create One

This is the second of a 3-part blog series to help funders leverage relationships with traditional media. Our thanks to Patti Giglio of PSG Communications, LLC, for her contributions to our new media toolkit for Exponent Philanthropy members, the basis for this blog series. Journalists of all stripes are always looking for stories. The stress... Read More

Getting Started: Nonprofit Sector 101

Understanding the world of nonprofits, and where foundations and other forms of giving fit in. Nonprofit sector collectively describes the institutions and organizations in American society that are neither government nor business. A nonprofit is an organization that exists to benefit the public and isn’t in the business of making money. Any profits it earns aren’t... Read More

The Buying Season

Well, it’s that season again! People are breaking out their checkbooks and making resolutions for the new year. I know it sounds like I’m talking about the holidays, but I am actually talking about the end-of-year technology purchasing season. I have been in the technology industry for most of my career and have always been... Read More