Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

Creating Grant Guidelines

By communicating openly, you can build good relationships with potential partners from the start—and quickly help others move on to other funders. “It’s important to remember that our success as grantmakers depends on our grantees’ success,” says Exponent Philanthropy member Christine Elbel of The Fleishhacker Foundation. “If we can improve our processes, we’re contributing to... Read More

Streamlining Your Financial Due Diligence

Most funders ask grantees—prospective and current—to customize their budgets and financial information to fit the funder’s requirements. Project Streamline, a collaboration of grantmakers and grantseekers working to improve application and reporting practices, recommends a different way: Make requests for nonstandard information the exception rather than the rule. Consider the real costs to nonprofits of customizing... Read More

Preparing to Invest for Impact

For many years, small-staffed foundations have been at the heart of the impact investing movement, joining with—and, at times, leading—larger philanthropies. Small-staffed foundations tend to be more agile than their larger, staffed counterparts and also may have greater knowledge of the needs in certain issue areas and geographies. They are better positioned than larger foundations... Read More

Recordkeeping Requirements and Tips

Most foundation files of any significance should be kept a minimum of 3 years. That can add up to a lot of paper! Here are filing and storage tips: Give some thought to and take time setting up your filing system. Ultimately, you’ll waste less time and save yourself a lot of space. A good... Read More

Successful Site Visits

“Few tasks in the foundation world prove as interesting, rewarding, and exhilarating as the site visit,” write the authors of Grantmaking Basics: A Field Guide for Funders. “Site visits can lift your spirits and enliven your day by reminding you precisely why you chose to work in the foundation world.” Make the most of your... Read More

Scanning the Landscape: Funder Examples

Funders scan to learn everything there is to know about an issue. They scan to uncover key needs, especially those that are overlooked. They also scan to find out more about their chosen focus areas and to design or refine their strategies. Through scanning, you can learn about promising programs, unsuccessful strategies, barriers to progress,... Read More