Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Boards and Governance”  

How Leadership Succession Planning Can More Deeply Engage Family and Board

This post is the second in a 2-part series on leadership succession planning. Read part 1 on the importance of planning for leadership succession now. Exponent Philanthropy members can explore these themes further in an article by the same authors in our Fall 2015 issue of Essentials. Leadership succession planning is a process, not just a... Read More

Good Meetings Require Good Ground Rules

A man named Henry was once asked to chair a meeting at his local church. A seasoned military officer and engineer, he was embarrassed when conflict erupted and he lost control of the meeting. “The best of men, having wills of their own, are liable to attempt to carry out their own views without paying... Read More

Build Your Pipeline of Philanthropic Talent

What keeps our members up at night? Succession, or the crucial task of passing the leadership baton. Building a pipeline of philanthropic talent to assume key leadership roles—on the board, on staff, or otherwise—is one great way to prepare for succession. Through our Next Gen Fellows Program, a 6-month training intensive for philanthropy’s future leaders, we’ve... Read More

Foundation Benchmarking Demystified

Are you uncertain whether your foundation is benchmarking to its fullest advantage? Do you wonder if you should do more? Benchmarking can be a simple, straightforward process. Your foundation can benefit from it with minimal time and effort, and on any budget. Common types of benchmarking include: Best practices benchmarking involves looking at other foundations... Read More

Board room

Should Foundation Executive Directors Serve on the Board?

In the past, I was a nonprofit capacity building adviser, and this question came up often. The principles that applied to those charitable nonprofits can also help foundations. It’s useful to think of this question in two-parts: Should the executive director serve as a board member? Should the executive director be a voting or non-voting... Read More

How Your Generation Influences Your Giving

The manager, a Baby Boomer, wants to schedule a meeting where she can sit across the table from her employees and discuss the latest project. Her longtime staff member from the World War II generation is ready to go, looking to share stories about what used to work well for the company. Her Millennial employees,... Read More