Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Evaluating Your CEO

At its core, CEO evaluation involves two basic steps: defining the CEO’s job responsibilities and checking back at a later point to determine if the responsibilities were met. Keep in mind: Although formal evaluation is an important component of a good working relationship, it is not a substitute for ongoing communication. CEOs need feedback year... Read More

It’s Not Enough to Know Your Grantee Is a 501(c)(3)

A 501(c)(3) organization is recognized as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Private foundations and public charities are two main types of 501(c)(3) organizations. Public charities are then divided into three distinct categories. As a private foundation, it is important to know which specific category the potential grantee falls into; knowing a grantee is... Read More

How to Read Potential Grantees’ Financial Statements

The primary purpose of financial statements is to communicate the financial health of the grantee. A non-accountant should be able to understand a well- written statement. The balance sheet, a statement of position, views a grantee on a specific date. The income statement, a statement of activity, looks at a year’s operating activity. The statement... Read More

Inviting an Audit

As managing director of a small family foundation, I had often wondered what would happen if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state attorney general came knocking on our foundation’s door. Would we be prepared for an audit? Would the foundation be in compliance with legal and tax reporting requirements? Did our original organizational... Read More

Assessing Start-Up Organizations

A start-up is, simply put, an organization that is relatively new. Typical characteristics of a start-up include a strong commitment to the organization’s mission and to delivering services, a vision driven by the organization’s founder, an informal management infrastructure, a small and homogenous board with many members often performing day-to-day tasks for the organization, and... Read More

Five Steps to Conducting Effective Site Visits

For small foundations and large foundations alike, conducting site visits often is an important step in deciding whether to fund a nonprofit. Being comfortable scheduling and conducting a site visit is an important skill. The following are steps you can take to maximize the site visit experience. Step 1 Establish a purpose. A site visit... Read More