Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Protecting Your Small Foundation With Insurance

Managing a small foundation is rewarding, but it also has its risks. Whether you have few or no employees, all foundations face some basic insurance and financial risks. Foundations are essentially just like any corporate entity; they’re simply nonprofit businesses. So, you face the same risks as any leader of a corporation, such as errors... Read More

Outsized Impact

Illustrating the power of individual, family, and small-staffed foundation donors We are pleased to share with you our annual report, Outsized Impact 2016, which showcases many of our 2016 accomplishments and illustrates the power of small-staffed foundations, philanthropic families, and individual donors. We invite you to read these stories, share them with others, and embrace the... Read More

Getting to Impact Through Evaluation

Evaluation can be a daunting topic for foundations of all sizes. So why encourage small foundations with already limited time and money to take on evaluation? That’s easy: Evaluation is a key element for foundations that want to increase the impact of their giving. This primer introduces you to the evaluation process and outlines each... Read More

Keeping Good Records: Small Foundations’ Guide to Staying Organized

What’s your system for foundation recordkeeping? If you haven’t yet established a system for keeping good records, now is the time. This primer explains what documents to keep and for how long, and then describes how to organize your documents by creating a records management system. Why Should You Keep Good Records? As any foundation... Read More

Investing in Nonprofit Leaders

As a foundation, your success hinges on the success of your nonprofit grantees. And strong leaders play an essential role in the success of nonprofit organizations. This primer explores how your foundation can support emerging leaders in the nonprofit sector. In it, you will: Learn about the obstacles to recruiting and retaining leaders in the... Read More