Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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A Human Resources Checklist

If you take time to answer the following questions, you’ll be well on your way to managing staff legally and ethically, and to creating a supportive work environment that is sure to help your foundation achieve its goals. Advisors and resources Who on the board is responsible for monitoring human resources (HR) at your foundation,... Read More

Is It Time for New Investment Professionals?

Establishing clear procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and changing your investment providers—including outside investment consultants, an outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO), and/or investment managers—are key parts of fiduciary responsibility. Your investment policy statement (IPS) should include these procedures. Matthew Wright, president and chief investment officer of Disciplina Group, recommends that any contracts regarding investment services should... Read More

Impact Investing Overview

Whatever the terminology, a smart investment is one that matches the right kind of capital to the problem you are seeking to solve. If the desired result is solely programmatic, a grant will do. To capitalize a social or environmental initiative while preserving assets for future uses, consider a program related investment. To further mission... Read More

Preparing to Invest for Impact

For many years, small-staffed foundations have been at the heart of the impact investing movement, joining with—and, at times, leading—larger philanthropies. Small-staffed foundations tend to be more agile than their larger, staffed counterparts and also may have greater knowledge of the needs in certain issue areas and geographies. They are better positioned than larger foundations... Read More

Adopting a Learning Mindset

Learning in philanthropy can happen in any number of ways, from traditional training programs to regular discussions with board members, staff members, or grantees about how things are going and how to get better results. Individuals and organizations with learning mindsets realize that learning is about more than ensuring that grantees are doing what they... Read More

PRIs: Smart Grants for Down Markets

Program related investments (PRIs) are a special type of grant that gained popularity during the Great Recession to preserve endowment assets while pursuing a charitable mission. PRIs are program tools like grants and should not be confused with other forms of socially responsible investing in which producing financial return is a priority. How does a... Read More