Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Impact Is Worth It

It is possible to impact complex and challenging social issues, even with limited time, energy, and resources. The following factors are key to achieving significant impact: Impact takes passion—Many barriers impede impact, but you can overcome them if your heart is engaged. People who care deeply about a cause will press on when challenges seem... Read More

What Makes an Effective Nonprofit?

As a donor, you not only have the power to identify effective nonprofits but to build and strengthen the ones most aligned with your goals. Excellent nonprofits are often made, not found. Identifying the impact you want to make will help you narrow the field of potential grantees to those that fit your values, goals,... Read More

Streamlining Your Financial Due Diligence

Most funders ask grantees—prospective and current—to customize their budgets and financial information to fit the funder’s requirements. Project Streamline, a collaboration of grantmakers and grantseekers working to improve application and reporting practices, recommends a different way: Make requests for nonstandard information the exception rather than the rule. Consider the real costs to nonprofits of customizing... Read More

PRIs: One Foundation Invests in Community Services

Through funds received from individual contributors, foundations, and other sponsors, the Washington Square Community Health Foundation made a $180,000 loan at a below-market rate of interest to be repaid in full by the Lake County Council Against Sexual Assault (LaCASA). Howard Nochumson, the foundation’s executive director, also worked closely with LaCASA’s executive director and board,... Read More

Finding Focus, Honoring Values

The past 10 years have been exciting ones for the Hill-Snowdon Foundation and the Snowdon family. For 40 years prior, we acted as a typical family foundation, coming together once a year to nominally approve grants recommended by family members. We funded some wonderful organizations reflecting the varied interests of the family, but you would... Read More

Addressing Key Financial Challenges Facing Nonprofits: Five Strategies for Grantmakers

In its report On the Money, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations describes several financial challenges faced by nonprofits: Restrictions on funding—Despite the importance of infrastructure to nonprofits’ success, grantmakers overwhelmingly prefer to support the direct delivery of programs and services. The result is an underinvestment in the infrastructure nonprofits need to sustain and grow, such as... Read More