Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

The Trustee Handbook: Essentials for Effective Foundation Board Members

We designed this handbook specifically for trustees and directors of small-staffed foundations, and key staff who work closely with them. It provides information on and insights into foundation fundamentals: governance, grantmaking, legal compliance, and financial oversight. At the same time, it shares a wealth of tips and tools to orient you to the trustee role.... Read More

How to Start a Private Foundation

Do you want to learn how to start a private foundation? Private foundations can provide significant benefits to individuals, families, and companies, if operated correctly. They also provide tax benefits to taxpayers and enable them to build a long-lasting tradition of charitable giving. Generally, a Private Foundation Has 4 Characteristics: It is a charitable organization;... Read More

Funding and Engaging in Advocacy: Opportunities for Small-Staffed Foundations

Small foundations often know the problems and needs in their communities better than most. That is why it can be valuable for foundations to leverage their resources and understanding of local needs to support nonprofit advocacy. But how do you get started? This primer provides you with a wide “comfort zone” for funding advocacy activities,... Read More

Twenty Ways to Make a Difference: Stories From Small Foundations

Beyond dollars, small foundations hold unique assets that benefit your mission, program focus, or community. These include: Deep knowledge of community needs Ability to focus over time Ability to act quickly Reputation as community institutions Creativity and insight of board members and staff This primer features 20 strategies that draw upon these assets to make... Read More

Legal Essentials for Small Foundations

Managing and running a foundation is fantastic work. However, in addition to the joy of grantmaking comes the critically important task of complying with a myriad of tax and other laws governing grantmaking, investment strategies, and public disclosures, to name just a few. This primer summarizes important laws that are relevant to running a foundation.... Read More

Getting It Done: The Who and How of Small Foundation Investing

Investments are like most things in life: You can get by doing the bare minimum, but your assets will never reach their full potential, and may even suffer. Which management and oversight structure will make it possible for your foundation to make the most of its assets? This primer will help you answer that question.... Read More