Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Leadership”  

The Power of Convening

There truly is nothing mysterious or glamorous about convening: It simply means gathering a group of people around a clear, common purpose. Yet, many consider this straightforward tool to be a funder’s most underrated one. Some Exponent Philanthropy members doubt they have the expertise. However, with the freedom and flexibility to make things happen fast, small-staffed funders... Read More

Leadership Succession

A leadership succession plan is a written document—approved by the board and easily available to board members—that identifies the process by which leadership will be assumed when key organizational leaders depart, whether the departure is planned or unplanned, permanent or temporary. A succession plan is an essential and critical source of guidance, and an expression... Read More

Supporting and Engaging in Networks

An increasing number of grantmakers and nonprofits alike understand that large-scale impact requires working in nontraditional ways with numerous partners. This approach recognizes the interdependence of the people and organizations working on social change through a network, people, groups, or organizations connected by relationships and aligned values. Networks vary in form: They can be both... Read More

Webinar Recording
What Is a Coach Approach to Philanthropy?

The “coach approach” is a skillset and mindset that can transform the key relationships in your philanthropic work. Using deep listening and powerful questions, the “coach approach” helps you gain awareness, discover new ways of thinking, and focus on creating collaborative solutions. During this webinar, you will learn the basics of the approach and hear... Read More

Webinar Recording
Small-Staffed Foundation Trends: Exponent Philanthropy Turns 20

Kick off Exponent Philanthropy’s yearlong 20th anniversary celebration with a conversation about data and trends in small-staffed foundation giving. Senior Program Director Ruth Masterson will be joined by several Exponent Philanthropy members to reflect on what funders have come to see and do differently over the years—and what they haven’t, all grounded in data from... Read More

Change: The Invisible Thread in Our Work

Change is life’s only constant. As philanthropists, we will either be undergoing change or driving it throughout our time involved in giving. Whether you love it or hate it, are in a position to react to it or create it, it is critical to our success as change agents to understand how we experience change... Read More