Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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From Tough Economic Times Come Smart Strategies

From tough economic times come smart strategies like the following that are worth keeping in mind in good times as well as bad. Revisit your goals As foundation leaders face tough decisions, many are stepping back to reconsider their guiding principles, including mission, vision, and values—a good practice from time to time in any grantmaking... Read More

Investment Manager Selection and Traditional Due Diligence

As would be expected, a foundation’s specific due diligence program (e.g., staffing, expertise, structure, scope) for both investment due diligence and operational due diligence (ODD) will be impacted significantly by the investment model it currently follows (i.e., investment duties managed by foundation board members, internal investment staff, an outsourced chief investment officer, or a mix... Read More

Choosing a Focus

What do you want to achieve with your foundation? Many foundations focus on a particular field of interest, population, or geography. Others focus by strategy (e.g., building technology capacity, developing nonprofit leaders) and bolster a range of grantees by applying those strategies. Settling on a focus is not necessarily an easy step—especially if your foundation... Read More

Broader & Deeper: 5-Part Investment Due Diligence Program

This article suggests that it will be useful for foundations to think about investment manager due diligence in a different conceptual framework than typically has been used in the past. The typical framework has had two major elements: Investment due diligence Operational due diligence This article suggests that investors, including foundations, will be well-served by... Read More

A Conversation With Experienced Collaborators

Exponent Philanthropy Senior Program Manager Sara Beggs spoke recently with two Exponent Philanthropy members with experience in collaborative models: Emily Tow Jackson of the Tow Foundation and Liz Sak of the Cricket Island Foundation. Tow Jackson has an extensive history with cross-sector collaboration to change the juvenile justice systems in Connecticut and New York. Sak... Read More

Five Barriers to Focus and Ways to Push Past Them

Not long ago, Exponent Philanthropy convened eight funders interested in focusing their giving. Over the course of our 7 months together, we named several rationalizations for not focusing. Have you used or heard any yourself? We share the following five and include ways to move past them. Misconception: Good deeds and good intentions will lead... Read More