Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Community Foundations”  

5 Fundamentals Foundations May Overlook

By Lauren Kotkin, Exponent Philanthropy Foundation trustees gathered last month for our daylong Foundations 101 Seminar, co-hosted by Southeastern Council of Foundations and led by colleague Mary Phillips of GMA Foundations, an Exponent Philanthropy Professional level Sustaining Partner, with support from U.S. Trust philanthropic advisor Mary Stokes and attorney Marc Lane. More than a few points stood out as... Read More

Foundation Openness: A Critical Component of Foundation Effectiveness

We created the Fund for Shared Insight—a funder collaborative with diverse support from 30 different funders—to increase foundation openness. We believe that if foundations are more open—which we define as how they share about their goals and strategies; make decisions and measure progress; listen and engage in dialogue with others; act on what they hear;... Read More

Considerations for Hiring an OCIO—Take the “T” Test

The term Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) has gained popularity in the investment industry as investment consultants, banks, and small wealth management firms are now offering OCIO services to foundations, endowments, and nonprofits. You may be considering this model instead of the self-managed or consultant model used in the past. Below we include the “T”... Read More

International Intermediaries

Nowadays, foundations rely on intermediaries to handle much of their grantmaking abroad (in dollar terms). Reputable intermediaries make it their business to meet federal regulations, such as determining the equivalency of a foreign charity and following antiterrorist financing guidelines. Taking care of these requirements eases the administrative burden of foreign grantmaking for U.S. foundations. Through... Read More

Spring 2019: Engaging Your Board

Our highly rated quarterly publication for members provides a wealth of information and inspiration in one easy read. In this issue: How to Motivate a Board? Start With One-on-One Questions Can Shorter Board Terms Actually Increase Engagement? Get Out and Kick the Tires, Together Disrupt Bullying Board Members Ramp Up for High-Impact Philanthropy Make Space... Read More

Put Your Plans Into Action – Not on the Shelf

I once sat on the board of a nonprofit organization that had undertaken what eventually became an award-winning planning process for its property holdings. This effort engaged all staff and board and generated lots of creative energy from the surrounding community. Within a couple months after completing the plan, staff recommended a capital improvement inconsistent... Read More