Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Rebalancing a Portfolio

Foundations can take different approaches to rebalancing a portfolio, whether driven by the market, performance, or the calendar. Calendar or periodic rebalancing at specified times (monthly, quarterly, or annually)—Rebalancing can be set to return to a specific target allocation each time. It also can be set to return to an allowable range within a set... Read More

Giving More Than Grants: One Foundation’s Story

Started in 1994 by Catherine Muther, a former Cisco Systems executive, Three Guineas Fund “promotes social justice by expanding access to economic opportunity for women and girls.” One would think that a mission so considerable requires a large staff and endowment, but Three Guineas Fund, with assets less than $6 million and only one full-time... Read More

Suggestions for Family Staff

As the sole staff person of her family’s foundation, the Patrick Carney Foundation, Kate Larisa’s job has its share of challenges. Even if you’re part of the family, staffing a foundation can be lonely work. “I found it essential to form relationships with others and not be afraid to ask for help,” says Larisa. “If... Read More

Telling Your Foundation’s Story

Documenting and sharing your story can guide those who lead the foundation now and in the future, articulate your goals to potential grantees and the public at large, and inspire all those who are touched by the foundation’s good work. How are Exponent Philanthropy members telling their stories? Keep it simple For Jane Leighty Justis,... Read More

Focus Your Giving: A Key to Impact

Impact is rarely achieved accidentally or immediately, especially when tackling some of life’s most complex challenges. Although some donors can point to single grants that achieved notable results, the people and causes around the world are especially in need of passionate philanthropists that pursue a particular impact with everything they’ve got. One donor describes the... Read More

The Potential of Program Related Investments

Program related investments (PRIs) count toward a foundation’s distribution requirement as long as they meet the following criteria: They serve a charitable purpose—A PRI’s primary function must be to further the foundation’s charitable purpose. Income or appreciation of property is not a significant purpose—An investor solely interested in profit would not make an investment on... Read More