Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Supporting and Engaging in Networks

An increasing number of grantmakers and nonprofits alike understand that large-scale impact requires working in nontraditional ways with numerous partners. This approach recognizes the interdependence of the people and organizations working on social change through a network, people, groups, or organizations connected by relationships and aligned values. Networks vary in form: They can be both... Read More

Allocating Your Assets

Are you talking with your board and investment advisors about asset allocation? Concepts to consider A number of concepts should be understood before you tackle the important work of creating an investment policy and allocating assets. Investment time horizon How long do you want your foundation to exist? Do you plan for your foundation to... Read More

Fiduciary Responsibility

Fiduciaries should avoid the following Investment practices: Not adhering to the investment policy statement—This is one of the most common mistakes cited by investment advisors to foundations. Self-dealing—Foundation insiders cannot direct investment decisions and/or revenues to self, relatives, close friends, or colleagues. Paying a family member to serve as an investment advisor—Doing so makes it... Read More

Investment Committees

Even small foundation boards can benefit from developing an investment committee with just a few members so it is clear who is leading the charge. Board members who understand investing make natural choices for an investment committee; however, they should serve alongside less experienced board members. (Be sure more than one experienced person is on... Read More

Investment Fees Overview

Foundations face a number of possible investment expenses whose range is considerable. Be sure to ask questions of your investment managers or your consultant, and don’t accept fuzzy answers. Make reviewing these fees a regular leadership activity. A snapshot of typical fees Custodial fees—These fees are paid to an institution (e.g., bank) to hold your... Read More

Investment Oversight: Lessons Learned From the Great Recession

The major themes and overall lessons learned from the 2008–2009 financial crisis include issues related to the mortgage crisis, to global financial systemic risk, the concept of “too big to fail” and related bailouts, negative impacts of overuse of leverage in investment portfolios, lack of transparency at many levels, lack of appropriate risk management, and... Read More