Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Engaging the Unusual Suspects

Exponent Philanthropy member Janis Reischmann of the Hau‘oli Mau Loa Foundation has spent the past several years working in a close partnership with 10 nonprofits to bring hope to some of Hawaii’s most disenfranchised youths. “The approaches used by our partners are reaching children who were previously very difficult to engage and challenged by typical... Read More

A Conversation With Experienced Collaborators

Exponent Philanthropy Senior Program Manager Sara Beggs spoke recently with two Exponent Philanthropy members with experience in collaborative models: Emily Tow Jackson of the Tow Foundation and Liz Sak of the Cricket Island Foundation. Tow Jackson has an extensive history with cross-sector collaboration to change the juvenile justice systems in Connecticut and New York. Sak... Read More

Multigenerational Engagement in Philanthropy

The manager, a Baby Boomer, wants to schedule a meeting where she can sit across the table from her employees and discuss the latest project. Her longtime staff member from the World War II generation is ready to go, looking to share stories about what used to work well for the company. Her Millennial employees,... Read More

Suggestions for Family Staff

As the sole staff person of her family’s foundation, the Patrick Carney Foundation, Kate Larisa’s job has its share of challenges. Even if you’re part of the family, staffing a foundation can be lonely work. “I found it essential to form relationships with others and not be afraid to ask for help,” says Larisa. “If... Read More

Nonfamily Members on Family Foundation Boards

There can be tremendous benefits to a family foundation that invites one or more nonfamily members to its board. Nonfamily members can sometimes help the family make more objective grantmaking decisions. Family members also tend to behave differently in the presence of nonfamily members, helping to shift family dynamics that may be getting in the... Read More

Planning for a Foundation’s Next 100 Years

American country music artist Barbara Mandrell sings that she was “country when country wasn’t cool.” For The McCarthy Charities, the lyrics would be this: “We were a family foundation, when family foundations weren’t cool,” or something to that effect. The Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation—America’s oldest family foundation still in existence—is only 23 years... Read More