Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Grantmaking”  

Discretionary Grantmaking: Should Your Foundation Let Members Go Solo?

Foundations typically approach most grants as a team sport, debating their merits and deciding, collectively, whether they’re likely to achieve the foundation’s goals. However, in addition to granting as a group, some foundations give their board and/or family members a portion of funds to donate as individuals. This practice, called discretionary grantmaking, is legally permitted... Read More

The Hardest Thing About Making a Big Bet? Letting Go

On a Friday in February 2015, I invited 24 organizations to apply for funding in response to letters of inquiry our foundation had solicited. The next day, our board held a retreat to evaluate the foundation’s grantmaking outcomes over its first 5 years. We knew the board wanted to talk about how to increase our... Read More

How Lean Funders Are Responding to COVID-19

In April, Exponent Philanthropy fielded a survey to learn how our community is responding to COVID-19, and more than 900 lean funders responded. We’re still analyzing the data and further engaging respondents, but we want to share a high-level overview. Have lean funders changed their funding in response to COVID-19? In a word, yes. Nearly... Read More

How To Make Your First Seed Funding Grant

A seed funding grant is more than just financial support; it’s a powerful way to make an impact by getting involved early in a project’s journey. This small, initial investment allows nonprofits or entrepreneurs to test their ideas before pursuing larger grants from corporations, foundations, or government agencies. At the same time, seed grants give... Read More

Making a Big Impact With a Small Grant

During the initial years of our foundation, beginning in 1986, none of our trustees had any prior experience serving on a board of directors for a nonprofit organization. Our accountant told us the dollar amount of required distribution and we divided the dollars among the directors. Each of us then selected a nationally known qualified... Read More