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Results for:   Topic: “Investments”  

Is It Time for New Investment Professionals?

Establishing clear procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and changing your investment providers—including outside investment consultants, an outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO), and/or investment managers—are key parts of fiduciary responsibility. Your investment policy statement (IPS) should include these procedures. Matthew Wright, president and chief investment officer of Disciplina Group, recommends that any contracts regarding investment services should... Read More

Investment Terminology

Investing your foundation assets effectively can increase investment returns and thereby provide additional assets to help fulfill your charitable goals. Over the longer term, good investment decisions lead to the potential for more grants and greater impact. Poor investment decisions typically lead to fewer grants and lessen a foundation’s impact. In addition, state law requires... Read More

Investment Oversight: Lessons Learned From the Great Recession

The major themes and overall lessons learned from the 2008–2009 financial crisis include issues related to the mortgage crisis, to global financial systemic risk, the concept of “too big to fail” and related bailouts, negative impacts of overuse of leverage in investment portfolios, lack of transparency at many levels, lack of appropriate risk management, and... Read More

How Do Investment Professionals Create Market Forecasts?

Each week, dozens of economic reports and indicators are released, providing measurements for evaluating the health of our economy, the latest business cycles, how consumers are spending, and consumers’ general outlook. Investment professionals use this information not only to explain their investment strategy, make tactical portfolio decisions, and provide context around the performance of assets... Read More

Prudent Investment Practices

The individuals responsible for managing a foundation’s assets want their investments to do well. Beyond these good intentions, however, most states maintain laws with higher standards that legally bind trustees and board members to a series of duties and responsibilities. These standards—called fiduciary duties—are commonly known as the duties of care, loyalty, and obedience, as... Read More

Real Estate Assets

In addition to fairly consistent and often dramatic appreciation in value, real estate can generate substantial cash flow. The yield from real estate often exceeds what one can derive from fixed income securities, such as bonds or Treasury bills (T-Bills). Between 1972 and 2000, Real estate investment trusts (REITS) generated an average yield of 12.45%... Read More