Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Investments”  

Preparing for a Fiduciary Audit

When crafting an investment policy statement (IPS), trustees, directors, and other decision makers should consider future fiduciary audits and thus keep compliance and accountability in mind. As an institutional investment consultant, my clients often ask for my assistance when confronted with a fiduciary audit. I use the following audit tests. Investment horizon An investment horizon... Read More

Real Estate Assets

In addition to fairly consistent and often dramatic appreciation in value, real estate can generate substantial cash flow. The yield from real estate often exceeds what one can derive from fixed income securities, such as bonds or Treasury bills (T-Bills). Between 1972 and 2000, Real estate investment trusts (REITS) generated an average yield of 12.45%... Read More

Rebalancing a Portfolio

Foundations can take different approaches to rebalancing a portfolio, whether driven by the market, performance, or the calendar. Calendar or periodic rebalancing at specified times (monthly, quarterly, or annually)—Rebalancing can be set to return to a specific target allocation each time. It also can be set to return to an allowable range within a set... Read More

Allocating Your Assets

Are you talking with your board and investment advisors about asset allocation? Concepts to consider A number of concepts should be understood before you tackle the important work of creating an investment policy and allocating assets. Investment time horizon How long do you want your foundation to exist? Do you plan for your foundation to... Read More

Socially Responsible Investing: From Negative to Positive

A forum for investors to shape the progression of national and global issues, socially responsible investing (SRI) traces as far back as the 1700s, when the Quaker Philadelphia Yearly Meeting prohibited members from buying or selling into the slave trade. John Wesley, a founder of Methodism, preached against engaging industries that harmed one’s neighbor. The... Read More

Controlling Fees

By relying simply on stated fees, such as management fee or advisory fee, foundation trustees may be underestimating the full impact of the aggregate investment expenses because as there may be other components of investment costs that are not explicitly stated as fees. In the 1990s, when portfolio performance was beating the S&P 500, it... Read More