Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Grantmaking”  

Understanding the Modern Grantee Experience 

Grant applications are an important touchpoint for nonprofits and grantmakers alike. Recently, Blackbaud has been taking a hard look at the modern grantee experience for those who use our portal for grant applications. We wanted to know if the grantee portal afforded our funder clients the flexibility to get the information they needed, while also... Read More

Foundations and Lobbying: Sorting Out the Do’s and Don’ts

Can we lobby? What are the rules about foundations and lobbying? These are such scary questions for some foundations that the answers aren’t even pursued. And no wonder; it is part of the U.S. Tax Code, which ranks as one of the most complex compilations of rules ever fashioned. Thus, many foundations prefer not to deal... Read More

Readying Your Philanthropy for an Influx of Assets

Ramping up—or significantly increasing charitable giving or activities—can be an empowering transition point in your philanthropy. It can also leave you bewildered by the complexities that come with your new normal. What does it mean to ramp up in response to an influx of assets—perhaps the most common reason funders increase their charitable giving and/or... Read More

What Do You Know? What Can You Do?

This morning I found myself thinking about lessons learned about inspiration in grantmaking from the Girl Scout troop I co-led for many years. Our girls didn’t do grantmaking, of course, but they did do a lot of community service projects. Several of our 11- to 14-year-olds earned the Silver Award, where the girl selects, plans,... Read More

The “Other” Investment Policy Statement

To create change, improve lives, or find a cure, philanthropists must approach their work as an investment and not simply as a gift. By definition, gift giving requires nothing in return. So when our sector talks about major gifts or big givers, we lose track of what effective philanthropy should be: a carefully constructed investment... Read More

Right-Sizing a New Risk Toolkit for Your Needs

The world of funders and philanthropists is quite diverse. Yet regardless of our size, focus, or decision-making process, we all have two things in common: First, we all want our dollars to result in real impact and change. Second, no matter how we deploy those dollars, the impact we seek is not a sure thing.... Read More