Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Grantmaking”  

Think Like a Designer for Greater Impact in Philanthropy

I have spent my career at foundations, nonprofits, think tanks, universities, and multinational organizations. I have enjoyed elucidating the root causes of complex problems, but I have been frustrated many times by the sector’s inability to generate effective solutions. In 2010, I attended a Stanford alumni event, where I heard a professor speak about design... Read More

How Funders Can Help Nonprofits Leverage Their Data

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” (Lord Kelvin) As part of their day-to-day operations, many nonprofits automatically collect data, like clients served and services provided. Whether they realize it or not, these represent a wealth of valuable data that could be leveraged to solve today’s pressing societal issues. This information could be... Read More

10 Foundation Activities That Call For Additional Care

Private foundation trustees and staff oversee countless activities, from setting direction and selecting grantees to reviewing policies and investing assets. Several foundation tasks—some mandatory, some voluntary—call for additional care. All are worth your careful consideration to help you be financially savvy and legally compliant, and to help you take full advantage of your foundation’s flexibility.... Read More

When $100,000 Goes Further Than a Traditional Grant

Many nonprofits across the country struggle with financial viability, according to a recent report based on data provided by GuideStar. The majority have less than one month of operating reserves, and 30% face potential liquidity issues. Nonprofits in the education and health and human services sectors, typically reliant on government contracts and fee-for-service-revenue, operate with... Read More

How to Evaluate a Nonprofit Social Enterprise

How does a nonprofit organization operate effective programs and also run a successful social enterprise? How does its enterprise generate both earned revenue and significant benefits to the organization’s target population? Balancing these two goals is harder than it looks, requiring adept leadership that is mission-focused and skilled in resource management and clear messaging. Some... Read More