Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Private Foundations”  

Bringing the Next Generation on Board—at Its Own Pace

It’s a lesson teachers and parents know well: No two people learn in exactly the same way or at exactly the same pace. And it’s a lesson worth bearing in mind for those seeking to create pathways for family members to engage in a shared philanthropic legacy. Arabella Advisors has worked with families for over... Read More

Foundation Openness: A Critical Component of Foundation Effectiveness

We created the Fund for Shared Insight—a funder collaborative with diverse support from 30 different funders—to increase foundation openness. We believe that if foundations are more open—which we define as how they share about their goals and strategies; make decisions and measure progress; listen and engage in dialogue with others; act on what they hear;... Read More

My “Mission Sabbatical” and Why Your Foundation CEO Needs One Too

I went on “sabbatical”! I was still working every day, but my wonderful board gave me “mission time.” Yes, you heard correctly. I was given 3 months to think about our foundation’s mission, its work, and our processes. What exactly does this mean? Well, to start, we temporarily closed our online portal and skipped a... Read More

Choosing the Right Grantees

With so many worthy options, how do foundations choose? The key is to find grantees that are right for your foundation—a match for your goals, your strategies, and your tolerance for risk. Start by taking stock For starters, look in the mirror. Is your foundation clear about its goals? Can you articulate your approach to... Read More

Why Some Foundations Keep Grant Records Indefinitely

There’s more to recordkeeping than meets the eye. Some foundations have discovered that good recordkeeping helps them improve their grantmaking and stay informed in their communities. In search of trends The Vine and Branches Foundation goes beyond the rules of recordkeeping. It uses records to assess where the foundation has been and where it wants... Read More

Increase Foundation Cash Flow, Conservatively

Kelly is a foundation trustee who, during a recent review of the foundation’s investment portfolio, learned that income generated by the portfolio was not enough to fund the foundation’s charitable activities—the required 5% annual distribution. Although the portfolio’s returns were good, cash flow was an issue. Kelly wondered about a conservative way to generate cash... Read More