Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Administration”  

Records Retention Policy

A records retention policy is a simple written document—one or two pages—that summarizes your procedures for storing, organizing, purging, archiving, and protecting foundation documents and fulfilling public reporting requirements. A records retention policy typically includes the following information: What documents you store and how long you store them Where you store different types of documents:... Read More

Using Foundation Consultants: Pros and Cons

Consultants allow your foundation to gain expertise on a part-time basis without the cost and office space for full-time staff. Moreover, the board doesn’t need to supervise the consultant as they would a staff person. Consultants are skilled professionals who can help you move your program forward. Depending on the task at hand, they can... Read More

Tools for Engaging With Media

Over the past 10 years, nonprofits and funders have come to increasingly respect the role media plays in their strategies for social change. From positioning to coalition-building to educating, targeted media efforts are helping funders construct meaningful relationships with key audiences and showcase and elevate their causes, their grantees, and the power of philanthropy. Smart... Read More

Why Written Job Descriptions Are So Important

A job description is a general, global view of the job and its responsibilities. It should include the title of the position and a broad view of the requirements of the job; for example: The executive director is the chief executive officer and is responsible for carrying out the policies established by the board, interacting... Read More

Tips for a Successful Hiring Process

Hiring takes a good deal of time and sometimes money. The more thorough and careful your recruitment process is, the more likely the staff you choose will be successful and long term. Here are several tips: Decide whether to manage the search internally or with outside assistance—If your foundation decides to handle it, designate a... Read More

Board Policies

Board policies work in tandem with the foundation’s bylaws or trust document to create the foundation’s structure. Bylaws or the trust document are legally binding and based in state law; policies also are considered binding, but they are less likely to be backed by force of law and are easier to amend (e.g., usually by... Read More