Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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How a Small Foundation Makes Capacity Building Grants

The Cedarmere Foundation is a small foundation that my husband, George, and I founded in 2006. We started the foundation to involve our children and grandchildren in philanthropy. We wanted to create something that would bring them together for years to come—to make decisions together, learn more about their community, and give them a focus... Read More

Healthy Nonprofit Leaders, Healthy Nonprofits

How can funders help their grantees to be as effective as possible? Even small amounts can go a long way toward alleviating the tremendous demands on executive directors. Exponent Philanthropy members offer these suggestions: Board recruitment, training, and development—Consider making a grant to allow the nonprofit to focus on board recruitment, training, and development. According... Read More

Giving to Individual Teachers Through a Donor Advised Fund

Stookey grew up and attended elementary school in Marshall, a small town just east of Battle Creek, MI. The year was 1936, and Stookey was a 5th grade student of Vyda Mumby during her second year of teaching. According to Stookey, Mumby “loved teaching; and like anyone doing something they like, she was good at... Read More

Eleven Funders Collaborate to Support Ministries

The Rockwell Fund, Inc., a private foundation in Houston, TX, recognized the significant infrastructure needs of local zip code assistance ministries, organizations named for the restrictions they placed on themselves to serve only those within their adjacent zip codes. Although these organizations were providing excellent direct services to the communities, many were lacking the support... Read More

Creative Giving Strategies

If you believe your foundation’s only asset is money, think again! Whether managed by volunteers or with the help of staff, your foundation is sure to have a range of assets at its disposal: Human assets—The creativity, passion, energy, and resourcefulness of your founders, trustees, and staff create huge potential for impact above and beyond... Read More

Considering Charity Ratings Services

Writes Ken Berger, former president of Charity Navigator: A while ago, a researcher on the nonprofit landscape created a list of every “information intermediary” (including Charity Navigator, GuideStar, BBB, etc.) and calculated there were over 100 of us. . . . Whatever barriers to entry there were in starting such groups have largely dissolved, given... Read More