Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Webinar Recording
The Role of Alternative Investments in Foundation Investing

In Exponent Philanthropy’s 2016 Foundation Operations and Management Report, only 10% of respondents report investing in “alternative” strategies. These investments include commodities, real estate, hedge funds, and private equity, and they are increasingly seen as a way to mitigate the volatility of stocks and bonds. Learn what these asset classes represent, why and how to include... Read More

Webinar Recording
Force for Good: Philanthropy and Family Business

Foundations can no longer rely on fixed income investments to generate strong returns with low risk. As returns on fixed income have declined, many foundations have taken on more risk (via equity investments) to fill the earnings gap. What if there is a way for your foundation to generate investment income without changing your risk... Read More

Webinar Recording
Youth Philanthropy – Making a Difference

Exponent Philanthropy and Youth Philanthropy Connect created the Teen Philanthropy Café series to support teens in getting started with and deepening their philanthropy. In this webinar for adults, we model ways the readers can be used to get started or increase engagement with youth and share action-oriented steps you can take to launch your philanthropy... Read More

Webinar Recording
Managing Your Investment Manager

This webinar, presented in partnership with Glenmede, will cover what you should know and consider before, during, and after the RFP process. We will examine key considerations and the types of questions that should be asked at each stage. We will also place special emphasis on understanding and evaluating investment costs as this is an... Read More

Webinar Recording
Impact Investing: From Concept to Reality

Through stories and examples, learn how Foundations have aligned their investment portfolios with their philanthropic missions. This webinar was created for foundations that are beginning to explore impact investing, or for Foundations looking for ways to advance their impact investing program. Read More

Webinar Recording
Managing Risk to Maximize Impact in Grantmaking

Funders are often described—and describe themselves—as being able to take risks that neither the private sector nor the government can or will take. However, no industry standard currently exists for defining, assessing, and managing risk in philanthropy. Few grantmakers assess risk during the application process and even fewer have processes in place to manage risks... Read More