Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Webinar Recording
Why Does Your Foundation Need Insurance?

This webinar explains how different insurance products can help your organization manage risk, and help you determine if you’re adequately covered. Mike Mooney, SVP, USI Affinity walks you through the benefits and cost-savings of the insurance coverages available to Exponent Philanthropy members, including: Directors & Officers Liability, Cyber Liability, Business Owner’s Policy, and Workers’ Compensation. Read More

Webinar Recording
Small-Staffed Foundation Trends: Exponent Philanthropy Turns 20

Kick off Exponent Philanthropy’s yearlong 20th anniversary celebration with a conversation about data and trends in small-staffed foundation giving. Senior Program Director Ruth Masterson will be joined by several Exponent Philanthropy members to reflect on what funders have come to see and do differently over the years—and what they haven’t, all grounded in data from... Read More

Webinar Recording
Navigating the World of Donated and Discounted Technology

In this webinar, Gayle Samuelson Carpentier, chief business development officer at TechSoup Global, helps navigate the landscape of donated and discounted technology so you and your grantees can access the many resources available. By taking advantage of programs from industry leaders like Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Cisco, Salesforce, and Intuit, you can help your foundation and... Read More

Webinar Recording
Impact Investing for Small-Staffed Foundations: Webinar Series

Together with our partners at Mission Investors Exchange and Arabella Advisors, we are pleased to announce the release of Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-Staffed Foundations. This new impact investing how-to guide is a must for foundations with few or no staff who want to align their investments with their mission. Impact investing (often... Read More

Webinar Recording
Collective Impact: B’More for Babies Case Study

Collective impact brings people together, in a structured way, to achieve social change. Curious how it really works in practice? Want to understand how small-staffed foundations can get involved? This webinar shares an overview of collective impact along with practical, how-to tips from a Baltimore effort that has helped to reduce infant mortality and improve... Read More

Webinar Recording
What Is a Coach Approach to Philanthropy?

The “coach approach” is a skillset and mindset that can transform the key relationships in your philanthropic work. Using deep listening and powerful questions, the “coach approach” helps you gain awareness, discover new ways of thinking, and focus on creating collaborative solutions. During this webinar, you will learn the basics of the approach and hear... Read More