Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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Planning a Meeting? Ditch the Conference Room and Hit the Hiking Trail

I had one of my more interesting and productive meetings with two colleagues the other day. Like me, these colleagues are both executive directors of grantmaking foundations that work in our community. One has tenure of more than 15 years, and I have known him for those years and more. The other is celebrating his... Read More

Venture Philanthropy and the World’s Most Plastic-Polluted Beach

How to catalyze impact for the environment using venture philanthropy—three perspectives from our new member Howell Conservation Fund I’m Brett Howell, founder of Howell Conservation Fund, and a new member of Exponent Philanthropy. My mission is to catalyze teams to achieve breakthrough solutions to the systemic sustainability issues we face on our planet. As a... Read More

Impact Investing: Best Practices for RFPs

In 2015, Exponent Philanthropy and partners Mission Investors Exchange and Arabella Advisors released Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-Staffed Foundations. This post is adapted from the complimentary and actionable guide, geared to foundations with few or no staff that want to align their investments and missions. Download Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide... Read More

When Saying No Can Be Almost as Helpful as Saying Yes

Every nonprofit loves to hear that it received a grant or a donation. Likewise, every nonprofit hates to hear that it missed out on an opportunity for funding. But do you know what nonprofits hate the most? No answer. Sometimes as funders, we get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of our philanthropy,... Read More

The Missing Piece of Modern Philanthropy: Part II

Question: What does any broker, 401k advisor, or wealth management professional want to know from clients before they invest? Answer: Their risk profile. Some investments are riskier than others, and successful financial advisors need to know in advance how comfortable the client is with risk. But what about our philanthropic dollars, the grants given to... Read More

From Our Work With 1,000 Funders, Here Are 3 Tips for Measuring Impact

There is no doubt that measuring impact is the hottest trend in philanthropy today. How can our organization track the outcomes our grants are having? How can we track more useful information to make better decisions? At Foundant, we hear iterations of these questions regularly. From working with almost 1,000 grantmakers, we’ve identified some steps you... Read More