Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


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The Missing Piece of Modern Philanthropy: Part I

Oscar Wilde once said, “To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.” Many philanthropists these days consider themselves at the cutting edge of innovation and problem-solving. Perhaps at a programmatic level we are, since through philanthropy we have eradicated age-old diseases, supported mass social movements, and turned around entire cities. Yet despite our modern... Read More

A Unique American Story: Public Policy and Private Philanthropy

Some years ago, when Jacques Chirac was still president of France, the U.S. State Department asked me to meet with Chirac’s advisor on domestic affairs. She had completed a national tour of institutions of American voluntarism. I was the last stop on her tour, her opportunity to debrief. Her leading question to me was, “How... Read More

What Is Financial Due Diligence Really All About?

Carol Cantwell, founder of Fun With Financials, works with nonprofits and foundations to build financial literacy and align philanthropy with true financial health. We spoke with her about her Financial Health Assessment Tool designed to dig into grantees’ financial health without requiring budgets, and about ways foundations can let go of preconceptions when they approach... Read More

Change Up Your Giving With These Creative Strategies

Philanthropy is well-positioned to serve causes around the world in creative ways. The following examples from Exponent Philanthropy members illustrate some less common giving strategies that draw on the unique assets funders hold. Use them to expand your portfolio, or be inspired to think of other ways to leverage your dollars, experience, reputation, and time. Provide... Read More

The Power of Simple Questions

Thirteen years ago, my parents sold their telecommunications company and started a private foundation. Their earliest motivations were to avert taxes from the sale and safeguard my two brothers and me from inheriting wealth that would deter us from working for a living. For the first 7 years, on December 27, we gathered for a... Read More