Grantmaking Archives - Page 30 of 65 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Grantmaking”

Cross-Border Philanthropy and Counterterrorism Regulations: Guidance for U.S. Grantmakers

Charitable giving plays a critical role in the global response to humanitarian, development, environmental, and other challenges. U.S. grantmakers recognize the important function fulfilled by cross-border philanthropy, and have long played a leadership role in this domain. Philanthropic dollars flowing abroad from the United States have steadily increased over the past several decades and show... Read More

Basics of Proposal Review

Determining where to spend your foundation’s grant funding is an important, and time-consuming task. This primer is designed to help you set up a proposal review process that meets your foundation’s goals and style and frees up time for you to go into the community and develop your knowledge and insight. In this primer, you’ll... Read More