Grantmaking Archives - Page 37 of 65 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Grantmaking”

Red Flags in Nonprofit Financials

You can find red flags in a nonprofit’s Form 990 or in its financial statements, as well as in conversation—and many do not require technical knowledge. ShoreBank, a community development bank serving Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit, provides the following list of red flags. Red flags in financial statements Decrease in annual revenue Decrease in net... Read More

Proposal Review

To make the time you spend on proposal review even more focused and efficient, it’s essential to invest a little time in preparation. This article describes both how to prepare and how to use a prescreening process—two steps to help you focus time on the proposals that most interest your foundation and be efficient in... Read More

PRIs: Smart Grants for Down Markets

Program related investments (PRIs) are a special type of grant that gained popularity during the Great Recession to preserve endowment assets while pursuing a charitable mission. PRIs are program tools like grants and should not be confused with other forms of socially responsible investing in which producing financial return is a priority. How does a... Read More

PRIs: One Foundation Invests in Community Services

Through funds received from individual contributors, foundations, and other sponsors, the Washington Square Community Health Foundation made a $180,000 loan at a below-market rate of interest to be repaid in full by the Lake County Council Against Sexual Assault (LaCASA). Howard Nochumson, the foundation’s executive director, also worked closely with LaCASA’s executive director and board,... Read More

PRIs: A Powerful Tool for Grantmakers

Program related investments (PRIs) are loans or other investments made by a foundation to support its charitable purpose. PRIs count toward a foundation’s distribution requirement as long as they meet a few basic requirements, and the best part is that the funds generally are returned to the foundation to be used for other PRIs or... Read More