Grantmaking Archives - Page 41 of 65 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Grantmaking”

Working With Your Community Foundation

First things first: What is a community foundation? Most regions have a community foundation, an independent charitable organization that serves a defined geographic location—typically, a city or county. Community foundations accept gifts from individuals, businesses, foundations, and government agencies. Donors give in three main ways: unrestricted gifts to support the community foundation, gifts to the... Read More

Why Our Small Foundation Gives Internationally

Why does Atkinson Foundation, a small-staffed funder, engage in grantmaking abroad? Locally we can make site visits, but that’s usually impossible when the project is in the Bolivian highlands, the Moroccan desert, the Brazilian rainforest, or a rural village in Eritrea or Honduras. Yet, overseas grants justify one-fifth of our foundation’s grantmaking and at least... Read More

Using Donor Advised Funds

Together with private foundations, donor advised funds (DAFs) are among the most commonly used vehicles for charitable giving. DAFs are accounts held within and managed by another organization, namely, a public charity known as a sponsoring organization. Like private foundations, DAFs offer substantial flexibility to the donor. DAF holders may choose a one-time donation or... Read More

The Advantages of Online Grantmaking

In growing numbers, Exponent Philanthropy members are heading online to receive and review applications, generate award letters, receive grant reports, and much more. What advantages do members report? Less paper, more time Grantmaking involves many administrative tasks—from distributing applications for review to sending grant agreements—and many of the tasks are repetitive and tedious. Rather than... Read More