Grantmaking Archives - Page 46 of 65 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Grantmaking”

Embracing Unique Investment Opportunities

At The Triple EEE Foundation, we have used scrutiny of our investment managers and unique investment ideas to weather the recent economic storms and further our mission. Although our family foundation was created in 1993, I became very interested in foundation investing in 2000. That year, at an Exponent Philanthropy conference in Chicago, one of... Read More

Eleven Funders Collaborate to Support Ministries

The Rockwell Fund, Inc., a private foundation in Houston, TX, recognized the significant infrastructure needs of local zip code assistance ministries, organizations named for the restrictions they placed on themselves to serve only those within their adjacent zip codes. Although these organizations were providing excellent direct services to the communities, many were lacking the support... Read More

Creative Giving Strategies

If you believe your foundation’s only asset is money, think again! Whether managed by volunteers or with the help of staff, your foundation is sure to have a range of assets at its disposal: Human assets—The creativity, passion, energy, and resourcefulness of your founders, trustees, and staff create huge potential for impact above and beyond... Read More