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Topic: “Investments”

Is It Time for New Investment Professionals?

Establishing clear procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and changing your investment providers—including outside investment consultants, an outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO), and/or investment managers—are key parts of fiduciary responsibility. Your investment policy statement (IPS) should include these procedures. Matthew Wright, president and chief investment officer of Disciplina Group, recommends that any contracts regarding investment services should... Read More

Impact Investing Overview

Whatever the terminology, a smart investment is one that matches the right kind of capital to the problem you are seeking to solve. If the desired result is solely programmatic, a grant will do. To capitalize a social or environmental initiative while preserving assets for future uses, consider a program related investment. To further mission... Read More

Impact Investing Resources

The impact investing field has a lot of momentum. Learn from foundations and other organizations at the center of the movement, as well as from foundations that are earlier in the process. Foundations The Case Foundation published a short guide to impact investing. F.B. Heron Foundation is a leader in impact investing. KL Felicitas Foundation’s... Read More

Impact Investing: Q&A With Financial Advisors

To learn about impact investing as an option for philanthropists with few or no staff, Exponent Philanthropy spoke with Adam Seitchik and Bill Marvel of Arjuna Capital, Liz Michaels of Aperio Group, and Tim Coffin of Breckinridge Capital Advisors. What do they recommend for funders who are ready to consider impact investing? Exponent Philanthropy: Impact... Read More

Developing an Investment Policy Statement

An investment policy statement (IPS) should be the starting point and bedrock of an institution’s investment strategy. It constitutes a road map of how the institution plans to achieve and support its stated mission through its investment strategy. Including applicable IPS components Here is a list of common IPS components. Include only those items that... Read More