Private Foundations Archives - Page 44 of 73 - Exponent Philanthropy


Considering Charity Ratings Services

Writes Ken Berger, former president of Charity Navigator: A while ago, a researcher on the nonprofit landscape created a list of every “information intermediary” (including Charity Navigator, GuideStar, BBB, etc.) and calculated there were over 100 of us. . . . Whatever barriers to entry there were in starting such groups have largely dissolved, given... Read More

Complying With Anti-Terrorist Financing Rules

Executive Order 13224, issued by President George W. Bush on September 25, 2001, was entitled “Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism.” It includes a long list of individuals and organizations perceived to be associated with terrorism. If a foundation is found to be supporting any individual... Read More

Communicating With Grantseekers

Here are a few simple tips for good communication with grantseekers. Explain your mission and guidelines Before applicants submit a grant proposal, they need to know your mission and grant guidelines to determine if they are eligible. By making both available, you spare grantseekers the trouble of preparing proposals with little hope for approval. Consider... Read More

Collaborating With Other Funders

Collaboratives offer funders the opportunity to: Exchange information and best practices. Leverage grantmaking and streamline efforts. Work on a larger scale in terms of dollars or visibility. Share risks and opportunities. In some cases, fund jointly. Is a funder collaborative right for you? Read on. Funder collaboratives defined Each of three types of funder collaboratives... Read More

Changing Young Lives Through Scholarships

“We’ve always been interested in young people and their college education,” said Mr. Smyth. While working in Wilmington, DE, he worked with inner-city kids. “That was the real impetus to set up the foundation. When we left Wilmington and retired in Virginia, we decided to create a local scholarship program.” Nelson County, a rural area... Read More