Private Foundations Archives - Page 45 of 73 - Exponent Philanthropy


Changing Young Lives Through Scholarships

“We’ve always been interested in young people and their college education,” said Mr. Smyth. While working in Wilmington, DE, he worked with inner-city kids. “That was the real impetus to set up the foundation. When we left Wilmington and retired in Virginia, we decided to create a local scholarship program.” Nelson County, a rural area... Read More

Changing Lives Through Microfinance

People say that one can be overtaken by vast waves of love and despair in Africa. “This is poverty,” warns Unitus Vice President Kate Cochran. “More palpable, deeper, and somehow more stark than anyplace else on the planet.” It took me decades to get to Africa. My early years were preoccupied with the privileges that... Read More

Beyond Grantmaking: Examples of Nongrant Strategies

If you believe all you have is money, think again! Small foundations—including those managed completely by trustees—have at their disposal a host of nondollar resources: Human assets—The creativity, passion, energy, and resourcefulness of your founders, trustees, and staff create huge potential for impact above and beyond dollar impact. Knowledge about community need— Foundations accumulate knowledge... Read More

Beyond Dollars: How Social Venture Partners Make Connections to Achieve Greater Impact

With more than 2,100 members, SVP is a global network of philanthropists with affiliates in 25 cities across North America and Japan. Since 1997, we’ve given $40 million and hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours to strengthen nonprofits that are improving the lives of children and protecting our environment. Social Venture Partners International (SVPI) helps... Read More

A Strategic Funder and Convener

The Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation was established in 1982. Mr. Scott came from a modest background in Nebraska, where he graduated from the state university with a degree in civil engineering. Mrs. Scott was a gracious woman with a passion for early childhood, education and literacy. The Scotts created their wealth through... Read More