Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Topic: “Investments”  

Foundation Operations and Management Report

The Foundation Operations and Management Report—the only resource of its kind for foundations operating with few or no staff—offers key industry benchmarks and long-term data on the evolution of lean foundations. Based on our annual survey of members, this report has insights into the grantmaking, operations, and management of foundations with few or no staff.... Read More

Webinar Recording
Activating the S in ESG Investing

While environmental and governance factors in ESG investing are well-defined, the magnitude of social factors can leave foundations unsure of where to focus their efforts. Join us for guidance on how to address and measure social factors in your portfolio. We’ll touch on subjects such as equity and inclusion, access to quality employment, community investment... Read More

Webinar Recording
Start Now, Stop Climate Change: Leveraging Foundation Portfolios to Impact the Environment

As the climate crisis continues to accelerate and reach the forefront of our global conversation due to headline-dominating wildfires and ever more frequent hurricanes, many members of the philanthropic community have leveraged their grantmaking to support environmental stewardship. To maximize impact, funders are looking beyond their grantmaking and considering how to leverage the entirety of... Read More

The Best of Both Worlds: Using Private Foundations and Donor Advised Funds

This guide is for professional advisors whose clients want to formalize their charitable giving through a giving vehicle such as a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or a private foundation. Experienced professional advisors know that helping clients find the best giving vehicle available for them creates a win-win situation. The clients will be happier with a vehicle that is a... Read More

Creating a Strategy and Plan for Your Foundation’s Investing: Developing and Using an Investment Policy Statement

Developing an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) sets the course for managing your foundation’s assets through time. It also reinforces how your investment policy and practices will help to achieve your foundation’s mission and goals. This primer describes how to develop your IPS and guides you through three main tasks, including: Making strategy decisions that lay... Read More

Getting It Done: The Who and How of Small Foundation Investing

Investments are like most things in life: You can get by doing the bare minimum, but your assets will never reach their full potential, and may even suffer. Which management and oversight structure will make it possible for your foundation to make the most of its assets? This primer will help you answer that question.... Read More