October 2017 - Page 16 of 16 - Exponent Philanthropy

October 2017 Resources

Making the Most of Succession

Exponent Philanthropy surveys our members regularly to learn about their grantmaking, governance, investments, and administration. We also learn what keeps our members up at night. What consistently tops the list? Succession, the crucial task of passing the leadership baton. Whether it involves the next generation, a new board member, or a new hire, successful succession... Read More

Leadership Succession Planning: What’s Success Have to Do With It?

A leadership succession plan expresses an organization’s commitment to continuity and stability. It is a written plan identifying the values and process by which leadership will be sought and assumed when a planned or unplanned departure by key board members or staff occurs. Who is prepared to assume responsibility in the absence of those responsible?... Read More

Creating Space for Young Leaders to Lead

It is understandable that emerging leaders may feel underprepared. They often are the youngest or newest member of a board or staff, sometimes just starting their professional journeys. Something more powerful than age or experience also is at work, though: Almost to a fault—and, in Exponent Philanthropy’s experience, without exception—young leaders in philanthropy approach their... Read More